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Financial security

Find out what applies if you fall ill or become a parent, how the pension works and what type of insurances you should have as a business owner.

If you get sick

If you are unable to run your business for a period of time due to illness, you may receive compensation from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan). How much compensation you receive will depend on how much profit you withdraw or how much salary you get from your company.

If you get sick

Man in bed looking at thermometer
Woman on quad bike with dog running next to her

Insure yourself and your business

Review which insurances you, your company and any employees need. An insurance you have as a private person, for example home insurance, does not apply to your company. See which insurances you may need as an entrepreneur.

Insurance for your business

If you are going to be a parent

As an entrepreneur, you can receive compensation from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency if you take time off to care for your child. How large the compensation will be is dependent on the salary or surplus you take out of your company.

If you are going to be a parent

infant in the arms of his mother
Two men sit in a greenhouse with a laptop

Your pension as an entrepreneur

You need to draw a salary or have a surplus in order f to receive the same pension as an employee. You also need to pay fees and taxes to earn money for your public pension from the state. Read more about pensions for those who run a business.

Your pension as an entrepreneur

Frequently asked questions about financial security

Frequently asked questions about financial security