General checklist for starting a business
Here you can create a checklist that shows what you have to do when starting a business. The checklist works regardless of the industry in which you are starting a business.
Checklist for starting a restaurant, cafe, food truck or other food service
Will your business serve food? Answer questions about your business and create a personal checklist of what permits you need to get started.
Checklist for starting a hotel, campsite or other accommodation
Due to new legislation, we are making changes in this checklist. The new version is expected to be published in February. We apologise for the inconvenience.
Checklist for aquaculture
The checklist will help you find out which permits you need to apply for when starting your aquaculture. By answering questions, you will obtain the permits that apply to your business.
Checklist for organising events
Are you going to organise a temporary event, for example a music festival, a market or a sporting event? Answer a few questions and get a personalized checklist for your event. Here you get an overall picture of the permits you may need to apply for.
Checklist for beekeeping and honey production
Checklist for those who want to start beekeeping for commercial purposes or sell honey and other products from beekeeping. Answer questions about your business and create a personal checklist of what permits you need when you start. The checklist is not aimed at those who only intend to keep bees for self-housing.