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Create better business using your intangible assets

The intangible assets make up about 80 percent of the company's value, and often even more than that. Companies that develop and nurture their intangible assets often have higher growth, profitability and development than those that do not.

Different ways to create better business using your intangible assets

How to protect yourself against piracy

Piracy can affect any company that produces and sells goods. If you as an entrepreneur have registered intellectual property rights, you should, for preventative purposes, submit an application for action to Swedish Customs. Using the information you submit, customs can more easily identify and stop suspected pirate copies being imported, exported or passing through the country.

Application for action at the European Commission
Protect your company against piracy at PRV

Keep track of the dates

If you have previously applied for a patent, trademark or design in Sweden, you can request priority if you apply in another country within a certain time. You will then receive the same application date on your international application as on your Swedish one. For patents, your international application must have been received within 12 months, and for trademarks and designs within six months.

Priority for patents at PRV
Gain protection in other countries at PRV

Do you need help?

The European Commission’s IPR Helpdesk initiative can give you advice about how best to protect and monitor your intellectual property rights in different markets around the world. The advice is free of charge for small and medium-sized enterprises in the EU.

IPR Helpdesk at PRV

PRV is Sweden’s government agency for intellectual property matters. You can contact Customer Support at PRV if you have questions about trade marks, patents, designs and copyright.

Phone: 08-782 28 00