Show your F-tax approval
F-tax approval means that clients do not have to deduct tax or pay employer's contributions on the remuneration.
Clearly state your F-tax approval
By making it clear that you have F-tax approval, clients know you are a serious business owner who pays taxes.
- State in quotations and contracts that you have F-tax.
- Write "F-tax Approved" on all invoices.
- You can also present your register extract showing F-tax approval
- If you are approved for conditional F-tax (FA-tax), you must state in writing that you are approved for F-tax, otherwise A-tax applies.
Your name, address and personal/company registration number must also be included in the documents for the F-tax information to be valid. A client can also contact the Tax Agency to learn your tax status.
View and download your register extract from the Swedish Tax Agency (in Swedish)
Your F-tax can be withdrawn
If you fail to declare or pay taxes, your F-tax approval can be withdrawn. This can make getting new orders difficult. Many companies only use F-tax approved contractors. Lenders can also check F-tax when you apply for a loan, as this shows that you have paid your taxes.
If your business is operated by a natural person, three conditions must be met for it to constitute economic activity. These conditions are independence, profit motive and permanence. If one of these conditions is not met, the income is instead considered earned income in the form of contractual or hobby income.
Conditions for economic activity at the Tax Agency (in Swedish)