Permits A-Z
Here you can find all permits and data requirements collected in alphabetical order. Select the letter you want to list.
About permits, registers and authorisations
Accredited company for inspection of lifts and other power operated devices
Activities with laboratory animals
Aid-assessed secure housing (SoL)
Alarm installations
Alcohol licence
Animal by-products
Animal husbandry
Animal stabling
Application for authorisation of ship recycling facilities
Approval for films (application)
Approval of a biocidal product (application)
Approval of pesticide application equipment
Assistant nurse
Authorisation as a road guide for escorting vehicles (application)
Authorisation for insurance distribution (application)
Authorisation to conduct banking or financing business (application)
Authorisation to operate an insurance business (application)
Authorisation to register information in the Swedish National Heritage Board’s Historic Environment Record
Authorised auditor
Authorised electrician/ Electrical contractor
Authorised interpreter
Authorised patent attorney
Authorised translator
Biomedical scientist
Blasting leader
Blood establishments
Breed societies
Building permit
Building permit for sign
Car hire (rental)
Cash register certification
Cash registers (notification)
Certain pipelines
Certificate issuers for financial plans
Certificate to work as a licenced aircraft engineer (LAE) (application)
Certified energy expert
Certified fire safety expert
Certified ventilation function expert (ventilation systems)
Chemical products
Cisterns and pipelines for inflammable liquids
Combat sports events
Commercial trade in second-hand goods
Companion service (LSS)
Conduct a driving school
Conduct driver training for drivers of moped class I, AM
Conduct driver training for professional drivers
Conduct driving training for moped class II, snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles
Conduct introduction training for private driving training, class B (for companies)
Conduct risk training
Credit rating agencies (application)
Daily activities (LSS)
Debt collection activities
Demolition permits
Dental hygienist
Displaying animals in public
Dissemination of aerial photography
Diving work
Doctor of Medicine
Drainage expert (application)
Drinking water facility
Driving instructor - recognition of professional qualifications from another state
Dumping of waste at sea
Economic association/co-operative
Electric power lines
Electrical installation company
Electronic cigarettes and refill containers
Embryo operations
Environmentally hazardous activities that require notification, C-activities
Environmentally hazardous activities that require permission, B-activities
Escrow deposit
Establishing and registering a foundation
Exemption for trade in wild animal and plants (application)
Expert on accessibility
Experts on culture values
Explosives – Authorization to be Education provider for pyrotechnic articles
Explosives – manufacturing and destruction
Explosives – transfer (intra community and within Sweden) and import
Explosives – use, store, trade in and transfer
F-tax, VAT, employer and SNI
Fire protection
Fire protection inspection
Fishing licence for commercial fishing at sea (application)
Flammable goods
Flavouring of schnapps
Fluorinated greenhouse gases (f-gases)
Food and nutrition laboratories
Food businesses
Food production
Freedom from bankruptcy certificate
Game parks
Genetically modified organisms (application)
Goods dangerous to health
Grease separator
Guidelines on requirements for those working with solvents containing fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases)
Hallmarking of precious metals
Handle refrigerants
Healthcare counsellor
Heat pump
Home care (SoL)
Homes for care or residence (HVB) (SoL)
Homes for certain other in-patient care 'short-term housing' (SoL)
Hotel and guesthouse operations
Housing with special services for adults (LSS)
Housing with special services for children and young people (LSS)
Housing with special services for people with functional impairments (SoL)
Hydrographic information
Hydrographic survey
Hygienic piercing treatment
Import of weapons
Insemination activities
Inspection manager
Inspection of assembly tents
Inspection of funfair facilities
Inspection of nuclear facilities (application)
Inspection of tanks and pipelines for flammable liquids
Inspection of tanks designed for the transportation of dangerous goods on road and rail
Introductory training instructor - recognition of professional qualifications from another state
Ionising radiation
Itinerant street trading
Laboratory animals
Lawyer (solicitor/barrister)
Licence for wholesale trade in alcohol (application)
Licence to operate air transport services for profit (application)
Licence to start an independent school, preschool class or after-school recreation centre (application)
Licensed dentist with approval for work with animal health and medical care
Licensed physiotherapist with approval for work in animal health and medical care
Limited company
Lockpicking devices
Manage waste
Manufacture and import chemical products in Sweden (notification)
Manure pit
Marketing of agricultural seed
Marketing of forest reproductive material
Medical physicist
Medium-strong beer
Microwave drying
Mining (exploration and exploitation)
Mining activities
Mountain guide
Music agreement with SAMI to play music in public premises
Music license from Stim to play music in public premises (application)
Natural gas pipelines
Nautical charts
Non-institutional care/day activities (SoL)
Non-prescription (over-the-counter) medicines
Non-therapeutic male circumcision
Notification of electronic communications services (telephony and internet services)
Nuclear activities (application)
Nurse responsible for general care
Occupational therapist
Organizing knowledge test for moped class II, snowmobiles and all-terrain wheels
Orthopaedic engineer
PCB products
Permit to operate a pharmacy (application)
Personal assistance (LSS)
Personal contact service (LSS)
Plant protection products class 1L and 2L
Postal activities
Preschools and after-school recreation centres
Producer responsibility for cars and handling of end-of-life cars
Producer responsibility for electrical and electronic equipment
Producer responsibility for tyres
Producer responsibility requirements for batteries
Product authorisation of a plant protection product (application)
Protected live animals, trade
Public events
Public gatherings
Public lottery (application)
Publish a periodical (application)
Radio broadcasting (application)
Real estate agents and real estate companies
Registered audit firm
Registering an interest for commissions in contract archaeology
Registration as a sole trader
Registration of new plant varieties and plant breeder’s rights
Registration with the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency as a producer of electronic equipment and/or batteries
Relief service in the home (LSS)
Responsible for the actuarial function
Risk training instructor - recognition of professional qualifications from another state
Sales and trading of fishery and aquaculture products
Sector permits
Securities business (application)
Security firms
Security guard
Selling, displaying and handling wild plants and animals
Service providers
Service with support for family homes and emergency foster homes that receive children (SoL)
Sheltered housing (refuge) (SoL)
Shoreline protection regulations (apply for exemption at the municipality)
Short period of supervision for schoolchildren over the age of 12 (LSS)
Short term stay away from home (LSS)
Slaughter of farmed game
Slaughter of poultry
Special housing types for the elderly (SoL)
Specialised Doctor of Medicine
Specialist Dental Practitioner
Specialist nurse
Speech and language pathologist
Supported housing (SoL)
Swimming pool facilities
Tastings of alcoholic beverages
Taxi drivers
Teacher or preschool teacher
Temporary exhibition of animals
Tissue establishments
Tobacco products
Tobacco-free nicotine products
Trade in technical spirits and alcoholic preparations
Trade in weapons
Trading partnerships
Training instructor for drivers of class II mopeds, snowmobiles and ATVs - recognition of professional qualifications from another state
Training instructor for drivers of vehicles that requires driving license category AM - recognition of professional qualifications from another state
Training leader at a driving school - recognition of professional qualifications from another state
Transport of animals
Transport of dangerous goods by road and rail
Travel agents, tour operators
TV broadcast (application)
Use of biocidal products class 1 (rodenticides, insecticides)
Use of class 1 biocidal products*
Use of Plant protection products class 1 or class 2
Vehicle roadworthiness test inspector
Vehicle scrappage
Ventilation control
Veterinary nurse
Veterinary surgeons for public competitions
Waste - Transport
Water operations
Wholesale distributor´s authorisation (application)
Wild animals in zoos
Wine producer
Wood measurement act
Zoo facility
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