Animal by-products
How to apply
Send your notification or application for approval to the Swedish Board of Agriculture. Approval costs a total of SEK 9,000, and includes an inspection of the facility. When you send in your application, the facility should be ready for inspection within the next three months.
When providing notification of a facility that is not a feed plant, you use the form Anmälan anläggning som hanterar animaliska biprodukter och därav framställda produkter [Notification of facility that handles animal by-products and derived products].
If the animal by-products or derived products are feed, you provide your notification via the form Anmälan foder- och ABP-anläggning [Notification of feed and ABP facility].
If your facility requires approval, we recommend that you contact the Swedish Board of Agriculture to obtain information on what must be included in your application.
Registration of establishment/plant
If you intend to start a business that includes an establishment/plant that does any of the following with animal by-products or derived products, you must register the establishment with the Swedish Board of Agriculture:
- transport
- handling
- processing
- storage
- placing on the market
- use
- disposal.
An establishment is any place where an activity of some kind is carried out that includes handling of animal by-products or derived products. Food establishments or keepers of animals where animal by-products only arise as a by-product of the activity are not subject to the registration requirement.
Approval required for certain types of plants
The following types of plants require approval from the Swedish Board of Agriculture:
- Processing plants
- Incineration plants that are not covered by the EU regulation on incineration of waste
- Combustion plants
- Pet food plants
- Facilities that manufacture organic fertilizers and soil improvers
- Biogas- and composting plants
- Plants carrying out any kind of handling or storage of unprocessed animal by-products
- Plants that store certain derived products.
For other establishments/plants, registration is sufficient. You can find details on the requirements at the website of the Swedish Board of Agriculture.
Note that establishments/plants that handle animal feed must also comply with the provisions relating to the handling of feed.
Control of plants
The Swedish Board of Agriculture has the control responsibility at most plants that handle animal by-products or derived products. The municipalities are responsible for the control of incineration plants in primary production.
Other authorities may perform control at the plants in parallel with the Swedish Board of Agriculture. For example, the municipality as regards the environmental legislation and the Swedish Medical Products Agency the legislation on medicinal products.