Animal husbandry

Supplying, selling or breeding animals and other activities with animals.

How to apply

Send your application to the county administrative board in the county where the activities will take place.  If you wish to submit an application or notification, you may contact the county administrative board, which can inform you how to proceed.

About the permit

If you manage your own animals or other people's animals professionally or on a large scale, receive animals owned by others for payment, or receive animals for the purpose of relocating or housing them, you may need a permit from the county administrative board. The same applies if you breed animals, lend out animals for payment or sell animals.

A permit is required for those animals listed in Sweden's Animal Protection Act (Djurskyddslagen 2018:1192) 6kap 4§, which are pets, horses and furred animals intended for fur production. Examples of activities that require a permit are day care for dogs, cat shelter, riding schools or breeding.

If you receive visitors who are allowed to pet and handle your animals more often than three times a year, you must notify your visiting activity to the county administrative board. 

According to the Swedish Environmental Code, a permit from the county administrative board is also required for large farms with farm animals, horses or mink. For farms with 100 to 400 livestock units, a report to the municipality is required.

Permit issuer and supervision

The county administrative board is the permit issuer and supervisory animal welfare authority. The municipality is most of the times the supervisory environmental authority.