Breed societies

Application to the Swedish Board of Agriculture for recognition as a breeding society for certain species of animals.

How to apply

You apply by submitting information on the following to the Swedish Board of Agriculture:

  • Name, address, telephone and organizational numbers.  
  • A description of your activities and basis for recognition as required by Annex 1 to the EU Regulation on animal breeding.  
  • The organisation's breeding programme for one or more breeds or hybrids designed in accordance with the requirements of Part 2, Annex I of the EU Animal Breeding Regulation. 

A breeding organization that also wishes to issue horse passports must apply to the Swedish Board of Agriculture for approval as a body with delegated tasks according to the EU Regulation on horse passports. 

Information on recognition of breeding society

There are provisions for how certain animal species may be evaluated and used in breeding. Organizations that wish to have official status on their breeding work and implement breeding programs for these species must apply for recognition of breeding organization from the Swedish Board of Agriculture. 

Licensor and supervision

The Swedish Board of Agriculture grants recognition of a breeding organization. The County Administrative Board performs supervision. See the links below.