
It requires a permit in order to conduct a catering business where alcohol is to be served.

How to apply

Send your application for a permanent alcohol licence to the municipality where your catering business is located. 

The application fee for an alcohol licence varies depending on the municipality in which the activity will be carried on.  

When you have been granted your alcohol licence, submit your registration of the premises for the catering activity to the relevant municipality before every occasion on which alcohol will be served. 

About the permits

Anyone who runs a catering business for private parties and wants to serve alcohol may apply for a permanent alcohol licence. 

If the application for a permanent alcohol licence is granted, you must notify the relevant municipality prior to every occasion where alcohol will be served. The premises must be approved before you can start serving.

In order to obtain a permanent alcohol licence, the catering business must have its own kitchen for preparing food. 

Premises where alcohol will be served must provide documented proof that the premises are suitable from a fire safety point of view in order to be approved. 

Licence issuer and supervision

The municipality is the supervisory authority and issuer of licence.