Chemical products
How to apply
Submit an application to the county administrative board.
About the permit
In some cases, a permit is required to transfer and/or use what are known as very hazardous chemical products. Permits are required for:
- professional transfer/sale of very hazardous chemical products
- private handling of very hazardous chemical products for non-professional purposes.
You apply for a permit with the county administrative board in the county in which the business will be conducted. The permit is normally valid for five years.
The chemical products considered as very hazardous and therefore requiring a permit are listed in KIFS 2017:7 Om kemiska produkter och biotekniska organismer (the Swedish Chemicals Agency regulations governing chemical products and biotechnical organisms).
From 1 January 2025, a permit will also be required for private handling of so-called clog removers (products intended for cleaning drains). The new requirement applies to clog removers containing sodium or potassium hydroxide in such concentrations that they are classified as corrosive to the skin. The purpose of the rule change is to reduce the use of caustic clog removers in homes and thus reduce the number of accidents.
Duty of recording
Anyone professionally transferring very hazardous chemical products must record the following information:
- the date of the sale, product name and amount,
- buyer's name or company name and address,
- whether or not the product has been professionally transferred/sold or handled for private use.
The information must be storied for a minimum of three years so that it can be easily checked.
Chemical products that require a permit must be stored in such a way that unauthorized personnel cannot access them.
Permit issuer and supervision
The county administrative board is the permit provider. The Swedish Chemical Agency and the municipalities are the supervisory authorities.