How to register
A request for an inspection is sent to the county administrative board in the county of residence or the county the circus is entering.
Information about the notification
Before the first performance of the season, the circus must be inspected by the county administrative board. You must request the inspection at the latest 14 days before the first performance.
If you replace animals or equipment that have a material effect on animal protection or animal health at the circus, a new inspection must be done. You must notify such changes to the county administrative board in the county in which the circus is currently located.
If serious or repeated deficiencies are discovered during any inspection, the circus may be banned from starting or continuing its tour.
The following types of animals may not be used in circuses:
- Monkeys
- Predators (except cats and dogs)
- Pinnipeds
- Elephants
- Rhinoceroses
- Hippopotamuses
- Cervids (except reindeer)
- Giraffes
- Kangaroos
- Birds of prey
- Ratite birds
- Crocodilians
- You must have a tour plan for the next month. The tour plan is submitted to the county administrative board in conjunction with the inspection. You must notify any changes in the tour plan to the county administrative board that conducted the inspection.
- You must ensure that journals are kept of each of the circus's animals. The journal shall, among other things show, any diseases or injuries, and how they have been treated. Dates for hoof and cloven hoof care should also be noted. The journal must be archived for a minimum of three years.
You must comply with the animal protection regulations and the regulations and general guidelines concerning circus animals laid down by the Swedish Board of Agriculture. Among other things, this means that:
You may not demand more of the animals than what they are physically and mentally capable of doing. If an animal has had an injury or illness requiring veterinary care, you must ensure that the animal is examined by a veterinarian before it takes part in any performance.
Circus animals are to be able to move about freely outdoors every day of the year unless the weather is extremely bad. They must have a clean and dry place to sleep, and must be able to find shade if they need it.
The animals should not be disturbed too much by visitors, and may not be shown to the public when standing tethered.
You need to register the circus with the Swedish Board of Agriculture if the permanent resident is located in Sweden.
More detailed rules can be found in the regulations under the external links below.
Notification and supervision
Send your notification to the county administrative board. The county administrative board is also the supervisory authority, and may come and inspect the circus after the season has begun.