Cisterns and pipelines for inflammable liquids
Accreditation of control bodies for cisterns and pipelines for inflammable liquids.
How to apply
Send your application to SWEDAC. You can use the online application forms on SWEDAC website.
Styrelsen för Ackreditering & Teknisk Kontroll Swedac
Länk till annan webbplats Apply directly and read more on the SWEDAC website
Styrelsen för Ackreditering & Teknisk Kontroll Swedac
Box 878
501 15 BORÅS
0771-99 09 00
Information about the accreditation
SWEDAC accredits control bodies for storage tanks, such as oil tanks.
Application and supervision
SWEDAC examines applications for accreditation and is a supervisory authority for control bodies for cisterns and pipelines for inflammable liquids. SWEDAC does not carry out any supervision of cisterns and pipelines for inflammable liquids as such.
Länk till annan webbplats MSBFS 2016:3 Flammable and Possession of explosive goods ( (in Swedish)
If you are rejected
Länk till annan webbplats How to appealPublisher: Tillväxtverket