Economic association/co-operative

The registration of an economic association with the Swedish Companies Registration Office.

How to register

Register an economic association by filling in the form and sending it to the Swedish Companies Registration Office. You must also pay a fee in conjunction with the registration.

Register via form
To register your economic association via the form, download the form (pdf). When you have completed the form, print it and send it to the Swedish Companies Registration Office.
You must pay a fee before the Swedish Companies Registration Office can begin processing your registration application.

You must include the following documents in your application for registration:

•    the association's charter
•    minutes from a meeting showing that the association's members have adopted the charter.

In some cases, additional documentation may be required.

You can find more information on the website of the Swedish Companies Registration Office.

Information about the corporate form

An economic association (co-operative) is a corporate form in which the members’ liability is limited to the capital invested in the association. An economic association can be established by at least three people, companies or associations. An association is represented by a Board of Directors consisting of at least three members and at least one auditor.

Small associations can choose a lay auditor (general examiner). However, for very large associations, the auditor must be an authorised public accountant. The annual general meeting of the association elects the board and auditor.

Economic associations are required to maintain accounting records. They must also prepare an annual report every year. The annual report must be submitted to the Swedish Companies Registration Office starting from the financial year 2025.


You register an economic association with the Swedish Companies Registration Office. In conjunction with this registration, the economic association will receive its corporate identity number.