Embryo operations
How to apply
You apply by submitting a form to the Swedish Board of Agriculture. You must also enclose a liability signature signed by a responsible veterinarian.
The application form can be downloaded from the Swedish Board of Agriculture via the link.
Länk till annan webbplats Read more about license for embryo activities at the Swedish Board of Agriculture
Information on permits for embryo operations
If you want to process or sell embryos, you must seek permission from the Swedish Board of Agriculture for this. The permit may include on or more of the following elements:
- To collect eggs or embryos and treat the donor.
- To treat embryos for fresh insertion.
- To process embryos for freezing.
- To store eggs or embryos.
- To distribute eggs or embryos.
- To treat recipient animals and transfer embryos to them.
- To produce embryos in vitro.
Länk till annan webbplats Regulation 2006:816 on the control of farmed animals (in Swedish)
Länk till annan webbplats Law 2006:807 on the control of farmed animals (in Swedish)
If you are rejected
Länk till annan webbplats How to appealPublisher: Tillväxtverket