Explosives – manufacturing and destruction

Application for a licence to manufacture explosives.

How to apply

An application on manufacturing explosives needs the following information (the level of detail depends on the type of manufacturing) and should then be sent to MSB. 

  1. The applicants name and details 
  2. Details of the supervisor
  3. Name and personal identity number for the supervisors, participants and persons with significant influence of the company
  4. Information of the explosives 
  5. Systematic and routines for dealing with explosives 
  6. Description of the surrounding environment 
  7. Manufacturing site and buildings 
  8. Description of the manufacturing process and equipment 
  9. Routines for caretaking of condemned, residual or defect products 
  10. Classification plan of risk zone, where certain equipment is required, for instance electrical equipment 
  11. Risk assessment and risk treatment 
  12. If the explosives that constitutes as military equipment, then a valid permit from the Inspectorate of Strategic Products (ISP) must be attached the application. 
Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB)
Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB)
0771-24 02 40

A licence is a document that allows the holder to manufacture explosives and it is required for all types of manufacturing of explosives. Manufacturing of explosives includes processes where explosive articles or explosive substances are made or assembled, or unmade or disassembled, and includes recycling or destruction. The applicant needs to apply for a licence for this handling of explosives from the Swedish Civil Contingencies Authority (MSB).

A licence for manufacture explosives does not automatically includes sale, storage, import, export or transfer (intra community or within the country). Those types of handling can be a part of the licence for manufacturing but it should be stated in the application. For transfer and import of explosives, see the next section Explosives, transfer (intra community and within Sweden) and import of explosives.

There is no particularly form for the application since it depends a lot on the type of manufacturing, the suggested location and the risks associated with the manufacturing.

If storage of the explosives will be on another place than the manufacturing site, then the applicant must apply for a separate licence at the local municipality.

The principal regulations for manufacture and storage of explosive

  • The fire and explosives act (SFS 2010:1011) and ordnance (SFS 2010:1075).
  • The regulations (MSBFS 2010:4) on what defines explosives.
  • The regulations for manufacturing and storage of explosives is in the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency’s regulation (MSBFS 2019:1) on handling of explosives.