Explosives – transfer (intra community and within Sweden) and import
How to apply:
Intra community transfer of explosive (EU/EES):
The Intra community transfer of explosive form (ICT) for the application can be ordered at MSB, link below. Then send the application to MSB in its original (three identical original per application) according to the contact details below.
Transfer within Sweden:
Contact the local municipality where the applicant has its main business.
Import of explosives:
Send the application to MSB. The application should contain:
1. The applicants name and details.
2. Details on the explosives that the applicant want to import and a rough estimate on amounts.
3. A copy of the EU declaration of conformity (CE marking) according to EU directive 2014/28EU for explosives or 2013/29/EU for pyrotechnics. Ammunition should have the C.I.P. type approval according to the Convention of 1 July 1969 for the reciprocal recognition of proof marks on small arms (with regulations and annexes).
4. If the product is not approved according to P3 above then the applicant should motivate the need for the import. With the application a technical description with details of the product, use, amount and specification of the explosives and the classification of the product.
5. A copy of the permit from the municipality (use, storage and sale) of the explosives.
6. Details of the supervisor.
Information on transfer and import of explosives
In this context, transfer means the physical movement of explosives from one place to another, either intra community (within EU/EES) or within Sweden. Import of explosives means, in this context, import from outside of EU/EES.
Intra community transfer of explosives (within EU/EES)
To transfer an explosive requires a licence from the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB). This is mainly explosives for civil uses according to EU directive 2014/28/EU (on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market and supervision of explosives for civil uses). There are some exceptions regarding pyrotechnical products and ammunition, which are covered in the regulations MSBFS 2016:4 on licence to transfer, import and export of explosives.
For intra community transfer the consignee needs an approval to transfer explosives from the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB). This requires a special document, which can be ordered from MSB. Then the applicants will need to contact the Competent Authority in each of the countries involved in the transfer to obtain their approval.
Transfers within Sweden
To transfer explosives within Sweden the consignee should apply for a licence from the municipality where the consignee are resident or where the main activities takes place with the explosives.
Transfers of maximum 5 kg of gunpowder for reloading ammunitions (“by hand” with no automated equipment), or ammunitions for own use is excluded from the obligations.
Import (outside of EU/EES)
All import of explosives demands a license from the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB).
- The principal regulations for manufacture and storage of explosive
- The fire and explosives act (SFS 2010:1011) and ordnance (SFS 2010:1075).
- The regulations (MSBFS 2010:4) on what defines explosives.
- MSBFS 2016:4 on licence to transfer, import and export of explosives and changes in MSBFS 2019:2
- EU directive 2014/28/EU on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market and supervision of explosives for civil uses.
The regulations according to the fire and explosives act (see link "Swedish regulations" below).
If any discrepancies or differences occurs in the English translation, it is always the legal texts in the Swedish act, ordnance and regulations that applies.