Explosives – use, store, trade in and transfer

Application for permits to acquire, store, trade in and transfer explosive goods within Sweden.

How to apply

Så ansöker du Du skickar ansökan till kommunen. Ansökningsavgiften varierar beroende vilken kommun du ska bedriva verksamheten.

För mer information om vilka uppgifter du behöver lämna i ansökan eller bilagor, se ansökningsblanketten eller kontakta din kommun. Send your application to the municipality. The application fee varies depending on the municipality in where you apply. Each municipality determines the fee to cover the costs of the processing of your application.

For more information on application form and enclosures, and in what cases they are required, contact the municipality.

Information that’s normally required 

  • Applicant and contact details
  • Person with specific interests in the explosives - national identification numbers
  • Supervisor – personal detail and competence - national identification numbers
  • Participant in the explosive handling - national identification numbers
  • Operations
  • Type of products
  • Location of storage/sale place
  • Description of storage facility
  • Surroundings and distance to properties/objects requiring protection

The following information could be required depending on type of application:

  • Documents that certify the supervisor's competency and suitability.
  • Documents that indicate the supervisor's areas of responsibility and authority and, for external individuals, that they have accepted the nomination.
  • Description of the activity.
  • Map of the area with nearby protection objects and the distances to them marked.
  • Description of the sales site.
  • Blueprint of the sales premises.
  • If the explosive goods are stored in more than one warehouse, a list of the warehouses and their respective protection objects with distances from each warehouse.
  • Structural description of the warehouse(s).
  • Layout drawing of the utilisation of the warehouse.
  • Description of the warehouse's fire protection and fire extinguishing equipment.
  • Description of the warehouse's lightning protection. 
  • Classification plan of the warehouse in accordance with the provision. 
  • For more information about necessary enclosures and in what cases they are required, contact your municipality.

About the permits

A permit from the municipality is required for the acquisition and possession, storage, trade or transfer (within Sweden) of explosive goods. For your handling of explosive goods, various kinds of permits may be required. In some cases, you may need to apply for several permits at the same time, depending on the way in which you handle explosive goods.

  • Acquisition and storage
    You must apply for this permit if you acquire or own explosive goods. There are two variants of acquisition and storage:
    1. You can purchase explosive goods and use them directly, such as for blasting work, without first storing them. In such a case, you do not need a storage permit.
    2. The second alternative is that you purchase explosive goods and place them in storage for future use. In such a case, you also need a storage permit.
  • Storage
    You need this permit if you have a storage area and want to store your own or another party's explosive goods. If you store explosive goods in a warehouse belonging to somebody else that already has a permit, you do not need a storage permit yourself.
  • Trade
    You need this permit if you want to trade in explosive goods, such as sales of ammunition or fireworks.
  • Transfer within Sweden
    You need this permit if you buy certain types of explosive goods to be able to transfer the goods from the seller to storage or directly to a work site if the goods are to be used the same day.
  • Approval for a new sponsor (föreståndare)
    You can only apply for approval for a new sponsor for explosive goods if you already have a permit for the handling of explosive goods and will not make any changes in your handling other than the nomination of a new sponsor.

To manufacture or transfer explosive goods over the border, a permit from the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) is required. Note that a permit for possession and other handling is normally included in a permit for the manufacture of explosive goods issued by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency. Consequently, no separate permit needs to be applied for with the municipality as long as the goods will not be stored at a different location than where they are manufactured.

Requirements of sponsors, participants and persons woth significant influence
In order to obtain a permit for the handling of explosive goods, one or more supervisors (föreståndare) must be appointed for the activity. The sponsors needs to verify in the application that they have the competence in handling the explosives, for instance with a résumé, a certificate from education, training certificate and/or blasting licence etc.

From the 1 of February 2022 there are new regulations that all of the participants that will handle the explosives needs to be approved by the issuer of the permit, i.e. the MSB or the municipality. This includes the sponsors, the participants (except for explosive products in desirable grade C) and for the persons that have significant influence over the explosives in a company. These persons will be controlled and approved for the purpose of preventing crime and approved by the authority.

If any of the persons that needs to be controlled have their citizenship or their permanent living outside of Sweden then they could have the need to show an expert opinion, certificate or equivalent from that country. This should show that the person’s appropriate of handling explosives and should be attached to the application.The expert opinion should contain information of the person’s appropriateness in regards of suspicion or notes in criminal records or inappropriate environments. 


  • The fire and explosives act (SFS 2010:1011) and ordnance (SFS 2010:1075).
  • The regulations (MSBFS 2010:4) on what defines explosives.
  • The regulations for manufacturing and storage of explosives is in the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency’s regulation (MSBFS 2019:1) on handling of explosives.

The regulations according to the fire and explosives act (Swedish only) 


If any discrepancies or differences occurs in the English translation, it is always the legal texts in the Swedish act, ordnance and regulations that applies.