Flammable goods
How to apply
Send your application for a permit to the municipality in which the handling will take place. The application fee varies depending on the municipality that is handling your application. Each municipality determines the fee to cover their costs when handling your application.
These documents are usually requested when you apply:
- Drawings
- Blueprint/Map of the facility area and adjacent areas
- Description of the work process
- Technical description
- Certification of inspection of tanks
You can apply for a permit electronically via the button below.
About the permit
Permission is required for all handling of flammable gas and flammable liquid, but MSB has stipulated exceptions. For flammable gases and liquids, the exceptions can be found in MSB's regulations MSBFS 2013:3 and in MSB's handbook on permits.
The purpose of the permit application is for the municipality to make sure the handling will be safe for the society and in accordance with the requirements of the legislation. The permit also aims to make the municipality and society aware of the handling.
Flammable goods include flammable liquids, flammable gases and certain related substances called “fire reactive substanses”. Examples of flammable goods are diesel oil, petrol, windscreen washer fluid, LPG, acetylene and hydrogen peroxide.
Handling refers, for example, to manufacturing, processing, treatment, packaging, storage, internal transportation, use, destruction and sale. There are exceptions to the permit requirement for the handling of small amounts of flammable gases and liquids for certain types of facilities.
For all handling of flammable goods requiring permits one manager must be appointed. A manager is the person who, as delegated by the responsible permit holder, works to ensure that the handling complies with the applicable regulations and within the limits of the permit. The manager must be well acquainted with the risks associated with the handling and have a sound knowledge of the flammable goods that are handled and of the applicable legislation.
To be granted a permit, depending on the activity, the premises or facility must be suitably adapted or equipped from a fire safety point of view among other things. The installation of the facility can begin after you have received the permit from the municipality. When the facility is finished, it must be inspected by the municipality before it can be taken into operation, i.e., before any flammable goods are brought into the facility. The inspection checks that the facility has been built in accordance with the documentation provided in the application, that it is complete, and that it complies with the legal requirements.
Handling of flammable goods is regulated in Act (2010:1011) and Ordinance (2010:1075) on flammable and explosive goods, as well as a number of regulations from The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB).
Permit issuer and supervision
The municipality is the permit issuer and the supervisory authority.