Food and nutrition laboratories

Accreditation of laboratories that conduct food and nutrition analyses.

How to apply

Download the application form (pdf) linked above. Complete the form and send your application to SWEDAC. 

Styrelsen för Ackreditering & Teknisk Kontroll Swedac
Styrelsen för Ackreditering & Teknisk Kontroll Swedac
Box 878
501 15 BORÅS
0771-99 09 00

About accreditation

SWEDAC accredits food and nutrition laboratories, certification bodies and control bodies. Accreditation is proof that a laboratory has been audited and approved by an independent organisation that in turn complies with international requirements on accreditation bodies.

To be accredited as a food and nutrition laboratory, the laboratory must demonstrate that it has a quality management system that complies with the requirements in the standard, and has the technical expertise required for the methods that the laboratory is seeking accreditation for. Expertise may be evaluated by means of the results of comparative testing with other laboratories. Such comparative testing or internal calibrations are regularly conducted in Sweden and the rest of the world.

Accreditation and supervision

SWEDAC assesses the application for accreditation and is the supervisory authority for food and nutrition laboratories. However, SWEDAC does not carry out any supervision in relation to foodstuffs itself.