Goods dangerous to health
How to apply
Send your application to the Public Health Agency of Sweden. The permit is valid for one year.
About the permit
The Prohibition of Certain Goods Dangerous to Health Act, (Lag om förbud mot vissa hälsofarliga varor, SFS 1999:42) applies to goods that, due to their inherent properties, endanger people's lives or health and that are used or can be used to achieve intoxication or for other effect. There is a general prohibition against importing, transferring, producing, acquiring for the purpose of transfer, offering for sale or possessing goods dangerous to health.
The Swedish Government decides what goods are classified as dangerous to health. They are listed in the annex to the förordningen (1999:58) om förbud mot vissa hälsofarliga varor (Ordinance prohibiting certain products that are harmful to health).
To scientifically or industrially handle certain goods dangerous to health, you can apply for a permit from the Public Health Agency of Sweden.
Some preparations that contain gamma butyrolactone (GBL) and 1.4-butanediol (1.4-BD) are exempt from the permit requirement. Refer to the Public Health Agency website for more information.
In order to obtain a permit for the handling of goods dangerous to health, the products may only be used for scientific or industrial purposes.
Permit issuer and supervision
The Public Health Agency of Sweden issues permits and is the supervisory authority.