Hallmarking of precious metals

Accreditation to hallmark articles of precious metal.

How to apply

Send your application to SWEDAC.

Styrelsen för Ackreditering & Teknisk Kontroll Swedac
Styrelsen för Ackreditering & Teknisk Kontroll Swedac
Box 878
501 15 BORÅS
0771-99 09 00

Information about accreditation

To be permitted to hallmark articles of precious metal, the control body must be accredited by SWEDAC. A manufacturer or importer within the EEA who wishes to have articles of precious metal hallmarked with the Swedish hallmark should apply to an accredited control body in Sweden.

Application and supervision

SWEDAC examines applications for accreditation to hallmark articles of precious metal and is the supervisory authority for the control bodies. SWEDAC is also the supervisory authority for trade in articles of precious metal pursuant to lagen (1999:779) om handel med ädelmetallarbeten (Sweden's Act on trade in articles of precious metal).