Hotel and guesthouse operations
How to notify
Send your notification via e-mail or by post to the police in the county where the hotel or guesthouse is located. See link to the Swedish Police website for more information.
Information about the notification
Before starting a hotel or guesthouse operation, a report must be made to the police. This applies to hotel and guesthouse operations that can accommodate at least nine guests or that includes at least five guest rooms.
The notification requirement does not apply:
- residences used for care, supervision, education or upbringing,
- unmanned cabins that can be used for temporary overnight stays,
- simply equipped cabins without water and sewerage on campsites.
The notification must contain certain information about the hotel or guesthouse and about the person who runs the business. If any information that has been reported changes, this must be reported to the police. The same applies if the business ceases.
It is the person who will run the business who must make the report. If the business is run by a company (or other legal entity), an authorized representative of the company must make the notification. If the business is conducted in the form of a sole trader (natural person), it is the trader himself who should make the notification.
The notification is free of charge.
The Swedish Police is the supervisory authority for hotel and guesthouse operation.