Inspection of assembly tents

Accreditation of bodies that inspect assembly tents.

How to apply

Download the application form and complete it. Send your application for accreditation to SWEDAC. 

Styrelsen för Ackreditering & Teknisk Kontroll Swedac
Styrelsen för Ackreditering & Teknisk Kontroll Swedac
Box 878
501 15 BORÅS
0771-99 09 00

Information about accreditation

A tent that is intended to hold more than 150 people and may be erected without a building permit must be inspected and approved. The inspection must be done before the tent is used and at regularly recurring intervals.

The inspection of assembly tents may only be carried out by bodies accredited by the Swedish Board for Accreditation and Conformity Assessment (SWEDAC).

Application and supervision

SWEDAC examines the application for accreditation and is the supervisory authority for those who inspect assembly tents, but it does not exercise supervision over the use of assembly tents.