Limited company
How to register
To register a limited company, fill in the form and send it to the Swedish Companies Registration Office. You must also pay a fee in conjunction with the registration.
Register via form
To register your limited company via the form, download the registration form (pdf). When you have completed the form, print it and send it to the Swedish Companies Registration Office. You must pay a fee before the Swedish Companies Registration Office can begin processing your registration application.
You must attach the following documentation to your application:
• Memorandum of Association
• Articles of Association
• statement from your bank
• subscription list.
In some cases, additional documentation may be required. You can find more information on the website of the Swedish Companies Registration Office.
Information about the type of company
A limited company can be started by one or more individuals or companies. The annual general meeting of shareholders elects a board which represents the company and chooses an auditor. Small limited companies may opt not to have an auditor.
Liability is usually limited to the capital invested in the company. A minimum of SEK 25 000 in share capital is required to start a private limited company, and SEK 500,000 for public limited companies.
All limited companies must produce an annual report each year. This applies whether the company has chosen to have an auditor or not. This annual report must be sent without prior prompting to the Swedish Companies Registration Office within seven months of the end of the financial year. The annual report must be signed by all members of the board of the company. If the annual report has not been received by the Swedish Companies Registration Office in time, the company will be required to pay a late fee.
When you start a limited company, you must register it with the Swedish Companies Registration Office. The Swedish Companies Registration Office will then issue the company with its corporate identity number.