Lockpicking devices
If you intend to sell lock-picking devices, you need a permit from the police.
How to apply
Complete an application form at polisen.se. Send the application by e-mail or regular mail to the police in the region in which the permit will be used.
Those who intend to sell lock-picking devices require a permit from the police. Once you receive a permit, you will also have certain obligations, such as keeping an inventory book and a sales ledger.
Information about the permit
You require a permit in order to engage in the commercial sale of lock-picking devices, which are devices that can act as keys in opening locks. The following are examples:
- Lockpick guns
- Leaf springs or hooks designed for lockpickning
- Knives or screwdrivers bent and honed into a form that can act as a key.
Registration and supervision
The Swedish Police decide on the issuance of permits and also exercise supervision.
If you are rejected
Länk till annan webbplats How to appealPublisher: Tillväxtverket