Microwave drying

Application for a permit from the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority for the use of microwaves to remove moisture from buildings.

How to apply

Send your application to the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority. The application should have been received by the Authority at a minimum of two weeks before the permit should begin to apply.

Permits for microwave drying may be sought by email to registrator@ssm.se.

You can send your application for microwave drying by email to registrator@ssm.se.

About the permit 

Microwave drying is used to remedy moisture and water damage in multi-dwelling buildings (blocks of flats). If microwave drying is performed incorrectly, the microwaves may be harmful. For this reason, a permit is required from the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority for microwave drying.


In order to obtain a permit from the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, a person using microwave drying as part of his/her occupation must:

  • Have good knowledge of how the equipment must be handled, how to measure microwaves, and the various risks that may be associated with microwave drying
  • Ensure that no people or pets are in the spaces where microwaves exceed the limit value
  • Ensure that spaces where microwaves might exceed the limit value are locked or otherwise inaccessible to unauthorised persons
  • Post signage with warning symbols, warning texts and contact details outside the space to be dried
  • Conduct regular control measurements in surrounding premisesKeep records of the measurement results in an operating journal.

Permit issuer and supervision 

The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority is the permit issuer and the supervisory authority.