Protected live animals, trade

Application for a permit to trade in certain species of animal pursuant to the Art-skyddsförordning (2007:845) (the Swedish Species Protection Ordinance).

How to apply

Submit an application to the county administrative board. You can send the registration electronically via this service.

Information about the permit

Certain species of animal are protected by specific legislation within the EU. The purpose of this legislation is to ensure the conservation of these species by regulating trade in them. There is a list of protected species in Council Regulation (EC) No 338/97.

If you want to trade in endangered species, you must have a commercial permit in accordance with the Swedish Species Protection Ordinance.

You need to apply for such a permit if you want to trade in:

  • Species listed in Annex A or B to the Council Regulation (EC) No 338/97;
  • Species that are protected under Annex 1 of the Swedish Species Protection Ordinance;
  • Species of birds that live in the wild in the EU. 


If you run a business where endangered species may be involved, you are obliged by law to know what rules apply. You must have a current and valid permit for trading in these species, and you must be able to prove that your trading is legal.

You must also have an updated list of the animals to which your permit applies. This list must also be readily available if the county administrative board visits your premises to carry out an inspection.

Permit issuer and supervision

The county administrative board issues the permit and is the supervisory authority.