Registration as a sole trader

Registration as a sole trader with the Swedish Companies Registration Office.

How to register

You register by filling in a form that is sent to the Swedish Companies Registration Office. You must pay a fee in conjunction with the registration.
Register via form
To register as a sole trader via the form, download the form (pdf). When you have completed the form, print it and send it to the Swedish Companies Registration Office. You must pay a fee before the Swedish Companies Registration Office can begin processing your registration application. 

Information about the corporate form

The corporate form of sole trader is also sometimes called a sole proprietorship. It means a natural or physical person running and being liable for his/her own business. A company operated in this way is not deemed to be a legal person. The person carrying on the business is personally liable for contracts entered into and debts being paid.

When you register a sole proprietorship, your personal identity number (personnummer) functions as the company’s identity number. Registration gives you the sole right to the name of your business in the industry and in the county where you operate your business. For an extra fee you can protect the company name in more counties if you want. 

When you start a sole proprietorship, you do not need to have any initial capital.


Registration is not normally a requirement, but may be necessary if you participate in public procurement processes or if your business requires permits to conduct certain activities. You register with the Swedish Companies Registration Office.

To register as a sole trader, you may not:
•    be younger than 16 years of age
•    be bankrupt
•    be subject to trade prohibition
•    have an administrator/trustee.