
Notification of operating a business where sunbeds are made available to the public.

How to notify

Send your notification to the environment and health protection committee of the relevant municipality.

The following document must be enclosed with your application: 

  • A drawing to scale of the premises.

Information about the notification

Businesses where sunbeds are made available to the public must notify the environment and health protection committee in the applicable municipality before the sunbeds are allowed to be used. Because the use of sunbeds is associated with risks, in that the ultraviolet radiation that they emit can cause skin and eye damage, it is of great importance that business operators comply with the regulations of the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority and carry out safety checks on the sunbeds.


Tanning salons (sunbed businesses) are subject to the following requirements:

  • All sunbeds sold/used must comply with the radiation protection requirements stated in the standard SS EN 60 335-2-27, Version 7, 2014).
  • The sunbeds must be of UV Type 3. The sunbed must be labelled with the UV type and information about the tubes to be used in it (original tubes).
  • The sunbed must also be labelled with an equivalence code interval, and the tubes with which the sunbed is equipped must be labelled with an equivalence code.
  • Eye protection goggles must be available for each individual who uses the sunbed.
  • An exposure schedule with information about appropriate usage times must be posted next to each sunbed.
  • A cosmetic sunbed (tanning bed) is to have a timer that can be set so that the exposure time is limited in accordance with the manufacturer’s exposure schedule, or equivalent guidelines. The sunbed must also be equipped with a shut-off mechanism which will shut off the UV radiation if for some reason the timer ceases to function. Redundant shut-off mechanisms provide extra safety. Faulty timers on sunbeds lacking this function have occasionally resulted in severe burns to clients who have fallen asleep.
  • The Authority's poster "Råd för att skydda din hälsa" (Important health recommendations) is mandatory. The following text must always be posted on a sunbed in Sweden: "Varning – ultraviolett strålning kan skada ögon och hud, läs bruksanvisningen, använd skyddsglasögon och tänk på att vissa mediciner och kosmetiska preparat kan orsaka överkänslighet." (In English, this text explains: "Warning: Ultraviolet radiation can damage your eyes and skin. Read the instructions for use, use eye protection goggles and bear in mind that some medications and cosmetics can cause hypersensitivity to UV radiation.").
  • All sunbeds are to be positioned in such a way or screened off so that staff and other clients will not be irradiated unintentionally.

As of 1 September 2018, persons below the age of 18 are not allowed to use sunbeds in tanning salons.

This is according to the provisions of Chapter 7, Sections 6 and 7 of the Radiation Protection Act (2018:396), which apply to businesses operating cosmetic sunbeds (artificial tanning devices). 


Notification and supervision

The municipality charges a notification fee, which varies depending on the municipality in which the business will operate. The municipality is the supervisory authority.