How to apply
You apply for the permit from the county administrative board. The county administrative board charges an application assessment fee.
About the permit
If you professionally or for acquisition purposes prepare, stuff or mount whole or parts of certain dead animals, you must have a permit under the Artskyddsförordning.
You need a permit for professional or for acquisition purposes taxidermy of:
• birds of species that live in the wild in the European territory of the European Union
• mammals of species that live in the wild in Sweden
• animals and plants that are marked with an N or n in Annex 1 of Artskyddsförordning
• animals and plants listed in Annex A or B of Council Regulation (EC) No 338/97, also known as the CITES regulation.
You do not need a permit to prepare a few numbers of feathers, a few numbers of parts of skeletons, horns or cultivated plants.
To prepare, stuff or mount dead animals requires that you have a facility that has been approved by the Swedish Board of Agriculture. You will find information on how to register your facility for animal by-products, etc. on the website of the Swedish Board of Agriculture.
Once you have received a professional or for acquistion purposes taxidermy permit, you must keep an up-to-date list of each specimen of species you prepare, stuff or mount. This list must also be available if the county administrative board comes to your premises to carry out an inspection. The list must also be submitted annually to the county administrative board.
Permit issuer and supervision
The county administrative board issues the permit and is the supervisory authority.