Temporary exhibition of birds, eggs and animals

Notification to professionally, or in exchange for payment, display certain types of live birds, eggs with embryo and animals to the public.

How to notify

Submit your notification to the county administrative board. The notification must state the premises or places where the display are to be conducted. You must register no later than four weeks before the display begins.

Information about the notification

If you wish to exhibit certain types of live birds, eggs with embryos and animals to the public, professionally or in exchange for payment, you must first notify the county administrative board of this.

The duty of notification applies if you wish to exhibit: 

  • live birds and eggs with embryos of species that live in the wild within the European Union's territory 
  • live mammal species that live in the wild in Sweden 
  • live animals of species marked with an N or n in Annex 1 of Artskyddsförordning 2007:845 (the Swedish Species Protection        Ordinance) 
  • live animals of species listed in Annex A or B of Council Regulation (EC) No 338/97. 

Submit your notification no later than four weeks prior to the beginning of the exhibition. You do not need to submit this notification if the exhibiting is covered by the permit requirements for exhibiting animals of wild animal species in a zoo.

Notification and supervision

The county administrative board handles notifications and is the supervisory authority.