Trade in technical spirits and alcoholic preparations
How to notify
Send the notification to the Public Health Agency. Please note that the notification is a registration of your intention to trade in technical spirits or alcoholic preparations. The Public Health Agency does not issue permits to start trading.
Alcoholic goods that are not alcoholic beverages or drugs are defined as technical spirits or alcoholic preparations.
Technical spirits are mainly used in professional activities and are classified as CN codes 2207 or 2208 according the EU Common Customs Tariff. For example, it can be alcohol that used as consumable and input raw material in the manufacturing industry or alcohol used for scientific and medical purposes.
Alcoholic preparations are goods containing more than 2.25 per cent by volume of alcohol, which are not technical spirits, alcoholic beverages or drugs. These products are often available to ordinary consumers and can for example be cosmetics, disinfectants, flushing fluids, fuel and supplements. This category also includes alcoholic products, which from a consumption perspective essentially can be equated with alcoholic beverages or otherwise can be expected to be used as intoxicants, such as alcoholic ice cream.
If you sell technical spirit that is not fully denatured in accordance with the Commission Regulation (EEG) No 3199/93, you must notify the Public Health Agency. It is required that you are an authorized warehouse keeper by the Swedish Tax Agency, in order to sell technical spirits.
If you are the first one to place an alcoholic preparation that contains technical spirit that is not fully denatured on the Swedish market, you must notify the Public Health Agency.
You always have an obligation to be aware of and comply with the requirements of the Alcohol Act (2010:1622) and the Public Health Agency's regulations on technical spirits and alcoholic preparations.
The Public Health Agency is the supervisory authority of operators trading in technical spirits and alcoholic preparations.