Species of wild animals in zoos
How to apply
You apply for the permit at the county administrative board. The county administrative board charges an application assessment fee. More information about the permit and what is required can be found on your county administrative board's website.
About the permit
To exhibit animals of wild species in a zoo requires a permit from the county administrative board pursuant to the Artskyddsförordning 2007:845 (the Swedish Species Protection Ordinance). A zoo means an establishment that is permanent and where you keep live animals of wild species for the purpose of exhibiting them to the public at least seven days per year. Circuses and pet shops are not counted as zoos.
A permit can only apply to a facility that has been approved for public display of animals in accordance with djurskyddsförordningen.
Once you have received a permit to exhibit animals of wild species in a zoo, you must keep an up-to-date list of which animals the permit covers. This list must also be available if the county administrative board comes to your premises to carry out an inspection. The list must also be sent annually to the county administrative board.
Permit issuer and supervision
The county administrative board issues the permit and is the supervisory authority.