Wine producer
Approval for labelling of wine without protected geographical designations or origin designations with vintage and grape variety.
How to apply
Send your application for approval to the Swedish Food Agency. There is a special application form (Ansökan om godkännande för märkning av vin med årgång och druva).
Information about approval
Wine producers must be approved by the EU Member State in which the wine is produced.
The Swedish Food Agency makes decisions regarding the approval of producers for labelling with the vintage and grape variety for wine production that takes place in Sweden. Decisions are communicated within two months of receipt of a complete application. If motivated by the complexity of the case, the Swedish Food Agency may extend this period.
Approval and supervision
The Swedish Food Agency makes decisions regarding approvals and is the supervisory authority.
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Länk till annan webbplats EU-förordning 2018/274 (
If you are rejected
Länk till annan webbplats How to appealPublisher: Tillväxtverket