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Bag ban at all major events

As of November 1, the Police has introduced a bag ban at major events in Sweden. The decision is due to the increased terrorist threat level. You who organize events are responsible for meeting the new conditions.

The bag ban apply to all major events in Sweden that are subject to registration and permit requirements. This include, for example

  • major sporting event
  • concerts and festivals
  • all arrangements at national team level

If you are going to organize events in a public place, you need to apply for a permit or notify the police about this. If permission is granted, the Police will inform you of the conditions you need to meet as an organizer such as security and number of visitors.

Who is covered by the decision?

All visitors to an event that requires a permit or notification are covered by the new decision, but it is you as the organizer who is responsible for ensuring that the conditions are met.

Can exceptions be made?

Yes, exceptions to the decision may be made for diaper bags for children and for people who for medical reasons need to bring a bag into a public event or public gathering. Bags that are allowed must be checked by authorized personnel.

Have you received a permit before November 1?

The decision on bag bans will be introduced gradually and will apply to all future applications for major events. If you received a permit or proof before November 1, you are not covered by the new decision.