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How you as an entrepreneur are affected by Russia's invasion of Ukraine

Due to the invasion of Ukraine, the EU has imposed sanctions on Russia. If your company trades with Russia, you may be affected by the restrictions. The sanctions apply to the sale, delivery, transfer and export of many goods and services. You can also find important information about current export restrictions, IT security, and what to do if you want to hire a person from Ukraine.

Export credit guarantees to Ukraine

Between April 1 and December 31, 2024, exporting companies and banks can apply for export credit guarantees to Ukraine at the Export Credit Agency (EKN). The export credit guarantee is a type of insurance that covers the risk of non-payment from the buyer's side.

The specific export credit guarantees make it easier and less risky for Swedish companies to invest in Ukraine. The guarantees are for exports that can contribute to Ukraine's development and welfare.

You can learn more about export credit guarantees to Ukraine on the Export Credit Agency's website, where you can also submit your application.

Frequently asked questions about the new Ukraine Facility at ekn.se

How the sanctions affect you as an entrepreneur

The National Board of Trade Sweden

The National Board of Trade Sweden provides answers to frequently asked questions about sanctions and in-depth information on the conditions that apply to exemptions for you as an entrepreneur.

You will also find information on how you should deal with people and companies who have had their assets frozen due to the sanctions.

You are obliged to:

  • check if any of your business partners are on any of the lists
  • check for any intermediaries
  • check who the end user is

Questions and answers about the sanctions at the National Board of Trade Sweden (in Swedish)

Ask a question about the sanctions

If you have questions about the sanctions or need help, you can contact the Swedish Chamber of Commerce at:

Phone: 08-690 49 20
Email: registrator@kommerskollegium.se

Business Sweden

Bussines Sweden has information about what the sanctions against Russia mean for you as an entrepreneur, as well as frequently asked questions and answers.

The war in Ukraine - Business Sweden
FAQ - Business Sweden

Longer processing times at the Swedish Customs

The Swedish Customs is currently carrying out additional checks on exports to Russia and Ukraine and imports from Ukraine. This can lead to customs procedures taking longer than usual.

EU sanctions against Russia affect those who trade with Russia and certain areas of Ukraine. The Swedish Customs have current information about export restrictions and customs handling at their website.

How the situation in Ukraine may affect customs procedures (in Swedish)

For employers - if you are going to hire a person from Ukraine

If you want to employ a refugee from Ukraine, the person needs a valid residence permit or work permit. You or they must submit a notification of preliminary A-tax to the Swedish Tax Agency. You must also inform the Swedish Tax Agency that you have hired a person. The person can start working for you before the Swedish Tax Agency's decision on A-tax has been made.

Information for people coming to Sweden from Ukraine at the Swedish Tax Agency International employment at the Swedish Tax Agency (in Swedish)

The Swedish Tax Agency also has a page with collected information if you want to hire people from Ukraine, or if you want to donate gifts or money from your company.

Collected information for companies due to the situation in Ukraine at the Swedish Tax Agency (in Swedish)

The Swedish Public Employment Agency has information about things to consider if you want to hire a person from Ukraine. You can also find information about the financial supports that you as an employer could receive.

Questions and answers about hiring a person from Ukraine at the Swedish Public Employment Agency (in Swedish)

The current security challenges due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine may continue for a long time. This places higher demands on you as an entrepreneur to be persistent and review the vulnerability of your business. Business Continuity Management is a way to ensure that your business can continue to function at an acceptable level, regardless of disruption.

Examples of disruptions may be increased risk of cyber-attacks, risk of disruptions in the supply of goods and services and attempts at misinformation. Business Continuity Management is simply about creating a plan B so that you are better prepared for various disruptions.

At msb.se you can find more in-depth information like training materials and guides on how you can plan for staff losses and have a plan B if the unforeseen should occur.

About the war in Ukraine at msb.se (in Swedish)
What companies can do to work with Business Continuity Management (in Swedish)

The National Food Administration has in-depth information on crisis management and continuity planning for those who produce and trade in food.

Crisis preparedness at livsmedelsverket.se (in Swedish)

Secure your business information

Information security concerns measures which prevent information from ending up in the wrong hands, being modified, destroyed, or made inaccessible. Common threats to your information include someone trying to get your password to then use your identity online or use your account information to make purchases at your expense. Other common threats include your computer crashing or getting a virus.

Learn more about information security:

Protection against cyber attacks

The National Cyber ​​Security Center (Nationellt cybersäkerhetscenter) has published several reports on cyber security.

Read the full reports and learn more about the National Cyber Security Center on their webpage (in Swedish)