Law changes in 2025
As of January 1, 2025, there are several proposed changes to the law. These changes can be of great importance for you as an entrepreneur, so it is a good idea to be up to date and prepared. Please note that the page is updated continuously, so a tip is to save the link and check regularly.
Some of the changes you need to be aware of are:
New patent law
The most noticeable change to the updated law is that it has been made more accessible with a more modern language, clear subject headings and a structure with separate paragraph numbering for each chapter.
More about the new patent law at PRV (in Swedish)
Extended growth support
Today, if you run a one-person company, i.e. limited company without employees or are a sole trader, you can get reduced employer contributions for 24 months for your first employee. You pay only 10.21% in pension contribution on a salary up to SEK 25,000 per month. The new amendment to the law means that the support is extended to two employees and the salary limit is raised to SEK 35,000 per month.
Growth Support (“växa-stöd”): special calculation of employer contributions on
Abolished requirement for hotel permits
The new law means that you no longer need to apply for a permit from the Police Authority if you want to operate a hotel or boarding house. Instead, you make a simple and free registration. This reduces regulatory costs as you do not have to pay application fees or spend time filling out applications.
More about the abolished requirement for hotel permits – (in Swedish)
Stop benefit fraud
The new law means that employers must provide more information in connection with the employer's declaration that the Social Insurance Agency can use in checks of, among other things, parental benefit. The aim is to improve the work of stopping benefit fraud.
More about the new law to stop benefit fraud – (in Swedish)
EU Blue Card
The new law aims to improve the opportunities to attract and retain highly qualified foreign workers and facilitate their mobility within the EU.
More about the EU blue card – (in Swedish)
Increased turnover limit for exemption from VAT
From January 1, 2025, the turnover limit for exemption from VAT will be raised from SEK 80,000 to SEK 120,000.
More about the increased VAT exemption - (in Swedish)
Shorter qualifying period possible for people aged 55 and over
From January 1, entrepreneurs over 55 can choose a shorter qualifying period for their sickness benefit. The government is removing the age limit to encourage more people to pursue entrepreneurship later in life.
Sickness benefit for those with sole proprietorship at the Swedish Public Employment Service
Learn more about shorter qualifying periods for those over 55 at (in Swedish)
Doubled rehabilitation support for employers
From January 1, the grant for workplace-oriented rehabilitation support paid to employers will be doubled, increasing from SEK 10,000 to SEK 20,000 per employee per year. The purpose of this increase is to make it easier for employers to fulfill their rehabilitation responsibilities and utilise the expertise of occupational health services.
Workplace-oriented rehabilitation support on (in Swedish)
The Media Authority takes over all management of certificates of publication
As of January 1, 2025, all management of certificates of publication for periodicals will be transferred from the Swedish Patent and Registration Office, PRV, to the Media Authority.