SNI 2025 - new industry codes
At the end of the year, new SNI codes will be launched, i.e. the codes that indicate the industry in which a company operates. You can view and update your current SNI codes here.
Update SNI to the new version
To ensure that your company receives the correct code when SNI 2025 comes into effect, you need to check and possibly update your current SNI codes. Some SNI codes will change as parts of their content move to other – or completely new – codes in SNI 2025. Therefore, you need to decide which of the codes in the new version that best corresponds to the company's current SNI codes. Here you can log in and see if you have any SNI code that needs to be updated.
SNI 2025 replaces the current SNI codes (SNI 2007). The new codes better match today's society and business life. They are also adapted to comply with a new common industry classification within the EU (NACE).
Film about SNI 2025
At the end of the year, new SNI codes are launched. In the video, we tell you how to update your SNI to the new version. The film is in Swedish, but you can add English subtitles.