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Business models for sustainable business

The key to a successful sustainable business rests largely with the business model itself – in other words, how revenue comes in and how goods and services are produced and create value for the customer.

You don’t need to start a new company to make your current business concept sustainable. However, you may need to consider how you can deliver the same customer value in a new way.

Important with business intelligence

General economic analysis is an important factor in a changing world. Reading about what is happening in the world from a political, economic, technical, social and environmental perspective is a useful way of enabling you to act at the right time in the event of new circumstances or trends.

Factors that will be important moving forward are partnership and collaboration. As a business you don’t have to handle everything yourself. Obtaining help from partners in order to offer certain auxiliary services enables you to focus on your core strengths, and at the same time satisfy more of your customers’ needs.

"Functionality-based" business models

With digital solutions, for example, there are good opportunities to create business based on rental and sharing rather than sales. This type of “function-based” business model often goes hand in hand with reduced use of resources and more long-term customer relationships. It’s essential to have a well-thought-out format for this type of service. The sustainability benefit increases, for instance, when a product is used multiple times. If the format of the service results in an increase in transport activity, consumption of consumables or repairs, this may cancel out any benefit.

  • Sell services that don’t require materials or transport, but that are wholly or partially digital.
  • Deliver quality products that are long-lasting, in terms of both trends and wear and tear. You can also sell additional services, such as spare parts, repair services or upgrades to satisfy expanded needs.
  • Offer used products, thus ensuring they have a new lease of life before being discarded.
  • Rent products or sell access to products via different service arrangements.
  • Base your business on a raw material or input commodity that would otherwise be thrown away.
  • Focus on quality, organic and locally produced or contributing to the local community.

Circular economy

Unlike a linear economy, which is based on producing, consuming and then throwing away, a circular economy is founded on making the most of the value of materials and energy, with business models based on this value creation. In a circular economy, business benefit goes hand in hand with resource efficiency and reduced impact on the environment and climate. For companies, the circular economy represents new ways of earning money through new business models.
The circular economy and its impact on the business sector on the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise website (in Swedish)

The delegation for a circular economy on the Delegation for circular economy’s website (in Swedish)

Cradlenet – A cross-industry network for companies that are aiming to become circular

Circular business model

The circular business model guide is based on the Circular Business Model Canvas, a strategic tool for business development. The model makes it possible to describe, develop and tweak a business model in an easy-to-understand manner.

The circular business model guide at tillvaxtverket.se (in Swedish)
The cirkular Business Model Canvas (pdf download)

Learn more about making your business sustainable

Below you will find additional information if you want to know more about sustainable business. Among other things, there is a link to Almi, where you can find several online seminars for entrepreneurs. In the chapter "Count on your business" there is a section on sustainability. There are also questions to consider specifically for this area.

More questions to consider

All the questions from the sustainability pages are collected here.

Questions to consider for developing your sustainability work