Selling assets and liabilities in a trading or limited partnership
Selling assets and liabilities means selling all or parts of the business. The company name and organization number remain.
Important points when selling assets and liabilities in a trading or limited partnership
1. Prepare the sale
Plan well in advance, so you have power over the process. Think about
- how much of the company you want to sell
- what types of buyers you have in mind and how they will finance the purchase
- the organization and structure of the company, so that the business does not depend on you
- your role after the sale
- what the tax consequences will be
- how you secure money to live on when you retire.
If you want help planning your sale and getting an objective assessment of your business, you can hire a qualified adviser.
If you instead want to give someone your business as a gift, you can read more about how to do that on the page for generational change.
Succession of generations for a trading or limited partnership
2. Deregister and liquidate the company
If the company has sold all its assets and no business is to be run in the company, it must be liquidated.
Liquidation of a trading or limited partnership
3. Report the sales
The result of the sale is in the company's accounts and is taxed by the shareholders.
Form K15B at the Swedish Tax Agency (in Swedish)
4. Change debited preliminary tax
If the company pays preliminary tax every month for, for example, special wage tax, property tax or property fee that changes with the sale, you need to submit a preliminary income declaration.
Preliminary income declaration 2 for legal entities (SKV 4313) at the Tax Agency (in Swedish)
The partners may also need to change their debited preliminary tax.
Preliminary income declaration 1 for natural persons (SKV 4314) at the Tax Agency (in Swedish)
Be careful with whom you do business
Be extra vigilant about which company you do business with when selling your company. It is easy to be deceived.
Be careful when selling or closing your business - Companies Registration Office (in Swedish)