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Stop running a business

Do you want to sell or transfer your business? Are you thinking of closing it down? Here you can read about the options available. How you proceed depends on the type of business you have, but whatever you do - start in good time.

Selling or closing down a sole proprietorship

There are several different ways to sell or close down your individual business operations. Reade more about how to close a sole proprietorship.

Selling or closing down a sole proprietorship

En hand låser en dörr
Moving boxes and furniture

Selling or closing down a limited company

There are several different ways to sell or wind up your business. Learn more about what you can do with your limited company.

Selling or closing down limited companies

Selling or closing down a trading or limited partnership

There are several ways to sell or wind up your business. Learn more about what to do with your trading company or limited partnership.

Selling or closing down a trading or limited partnership

woman sitting on park bench
Red rubber boots on pier

Selling or closing down an economic association

Read more about selling or closing an economic association. There are several different ways to sell or wind up the business.

Selling or closing down an economic association