Employer organisations
As an employer, you can get support and help on various labour market issues through employer organisations.
An employer organisation is the employers' equivalent of a trade union. The purpose of employer organisations is for employers to come together and organise to meet the demands of the trade union.
The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise
The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise is Sweden's largest employer organisation for private employers. The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise has 49 member organisations, which in turn represent 60,000 member companies. The organisation works with opinion shaping and the dissemination of knowledge. The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise is responsible for issues that are of common interest to all companies.
Its members are employer associations, trade associations and other associations of companies. Some member organisations have combined the employer and the sector role. The trade association is responsible for agreements, services and issues related to individual companies and sectors. The individual companies are members of both the member organisations and the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise.
Go to the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise's website
Other employer organisations
There are also several smaller employer organisations that negotiate collective agreements for their members.
Employer organisations at the National Mediation Office (in Swedish)
Public sector
In the public sector, the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SKR) and the Swedish Agency for Government Employers (Arbetsgivarverket) negotiate agreements that are then adapted to the various activities.
Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (in Swedish)