Leave for studies and other leave
In addition to annual leave and parental leave, there are other types of leave to which employees may be entitled, for example to study or start a business. The right to different types of leave is regulated by several different laws.
Leave to start a business
An employee is entitled to leave to start or carry on a business if they have been employed by you for the last six consecutive months or at least 12 months in the last two years.
The leave can be for up to six months and can only be taken once with the same employer and can only be taken as full leave.
Anyone wishing to take leave must notify the employer at least three months before the start of the leave. In the notification, the employee must also state how long the leave is planned to last.
As an employer, you must notify your employee of your decision on the leave no later than one month after the notification.
Please note that the employee must not compete with your business and the leave must not be a significant inconvenience to you as an employer. In these cases the employer can refuse the employee the leave to start or carry on a business.
Right to Leave to Conduct a Business Operation Act at the Riksdag (in Swedish)
Leave for studies
An employee has the right to take a leave of absence for studies. An employee has the right to leave for studies if they have been employed by you for the last ix consecutive months or at least 12 months in the last two years. These requirements for employment time do not apply to union studies. As an employer, you can demand a notice of 6 months for a longer study leave. In case of union studies and studies that last a maximum of one week, the employer can only require two weeks' advance notice.
The studies do not have to be related to the employee's work. In addition, there is no limit for how long the employee can take leave for education. However, participation in so-called “hobby courses” is not covered; the education must have a knowledge imparting purpose.
Employee's Right to Educational Leave Act at the Riksdag (in Swedish)
Other statutory leave:
- military service
- care of closely related person (subject to a decision by the Swedish Social Insurance Agency)
- when the employee is regarded as a disease carrier under the Communicable Diseases Act
- certain union assignments and public assignments
- Swedish language training for immigrants
- position of trust in a union
- urgent family matters
- seeking new employment during the period of notice – if dismissed due to a shortage of work
Collective agreements may also contain additional rights to leave, and the employee is sometimes also entitled to compensation during the leave, either via the collective agreement or from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency.
Is an employee entitled to take leave to start a business?
Yes. An employee is entitled to six months' leave to start a business. However, the business must not compete with the employer's business, nor must the leave cause a significant inconvenience to the employer.
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