Cultural and creative industries
This page contains links to organizations for various professional fields within culture and creativity. Some are trade unions, others are trade associations or interest organisations. What they have in common is that they can support entrepreneurs in the industry.
Organizations for cultural and creative industries
Guide for Artists
About social security, taxes and business matters for professional artists.
The Swedish Arts Grants Committee
Government agency primarily responsible for the implementation of the state's artist policy. Promotes artistic development and innovative culture, as well as the economic and social conditions of professional artists.
The Swedish Creative Sector
(Kreativ Sektor)
The Swedish Creative Sector is a collaboration between four associations in film/tv, video games, fashion, marketing communication and music.
Sweden's Communications Agencies
(Sveriges Kommunikationsbyråer)
Sveriges Kommunikationsbyråer is a trade organization for agencies in communication, advertising, design, PR, digital, events, media, content and branding.
The Swedish Museums Association
(Sveriges Muséer)
Sweden's Museums is a non-profit trade organization for large and small museums from all over the country.
The Swedish Crafts Centre
Konsthantverkscentrum is the only occupational organisation for professional craft artists in Sweden.
The Artists' Association of Sweden
(Konstnärernas Riksorganisation)
The Artists' Association of Sweden represents 3,400 professional visual artists, artisans and designers in Sweden and is the union organization of Swedish artists.
The association of Swedish illustrators and graphic designers
(Svenska Tecknare)
The association organises Sweden’s professional illustrators and graphic designers. Our members work within a broad spectrum of visual communication; illustrations and graphic design in newspapers, books and new media, websites, cartoons, animated films, news graphics, signs, trademarks, information and marketing.
Swedish Games Industry
Sweden´s trade association for video game companies.
Svensk Form
A non-profit independent membership association that works to stimulate design development. We are aimed at private individuals, companies and professionals in form, design and architecture.
Swedish Fashion Association
Swedish Fashion Council
The Swedish Fashion Council is an industry-owned forum and since its inception in 1979 has worked for Swedish fashion in Sweden and abroad.
Stockholm Fashion District
Stockholm Fashion District is a unique and innovative business meeting place with digital and physical showrooms open 365 days a year, fashion weeks with a focus on trade that bring together Swedish and international brands and buyers, forums for creativity and creation as well as further development at seminars and trainings.
Swedish Film&TV Producers Association
The trade association for production companies in film, television and commercials.
Film in Skåne
(Film i Skåne)
Film i Skåne is a regional film organisation with the task of promoting film-culture activities.
Film in Stockholm
(Film i Stockholm)
Film Stockholm AB is a regional film fund, whose mission is to create conditions for film and television production in the capital region through co-production, film commission activities and talent development.
Film i Väst
Film i Väst is a regional film fund. (In Swedish)
Film i Väst´s database. (In Swedish)
Southern Sweden Film Commission
Swedish Film Institute
(Svenska Filminstitutet)
The Swedish Film Institute works to promote film across the board – from idea to finished product, during launch in Sweden and around the world, and by preserving films for posterity in our archives.
The Swedish Authors’ Fund
The Swedish Authors’ Fund administers the Public Lending Right – compensation to originators for the use of their books in Swedish public and school libraries - as well as state grants to authors, translators, playwrights and journalists in the field of arts.
The Swedish Union of Journalists
The Union of Journalists is the professional and trade union for those who work fully or partially in the Swedish media industry.
The Swedish Association of Educational Writers
The association organizes authors of educational books and materials in Sweden.
The Swedish Authors’ Fund
The Swedish Authors’ Fund administers the Public Lending Right – compensation to originators for the use of their books in Swedish public and school libraries - as well as state grants to authors, translators, playwrights and journalists in the field of arts.
The Swedish Writers’ Union
An interest organization for those who are active as a writer or literary translator.
The Swedish Publishers Association
(Svenska Förläggareföreningen)
The Swedish book publishers' trade association.
Musiksverige is the interest organization that communicates and drives the collective music industry's issues. We bring together artists, composers, lyricists, musicians, managers, producers, music labels and music publishers in Sweden.
Swedish Live
(Svensk Live)
Swedish Live (Svensk Live) and Swedish Live – Youth (Unga arrangörsnätverket) is the voice of Swedish Live Music Industry, and together we gather over 200 members.
Dance Center
Danscentrum is a membership organization of independent professional Swedish dance artists.
The Writers Guild of Sweden
The Writers Guild of Sweden (Dramatikerförbundet) is an association that, since 1941, organizes screenwriters, playwrights and translators of dramatic text. The Guild today has over 700 members.
Swedish Performing Arts Association
(Svensk Scenkonst)
Swedish Performing Arts Association, an employers and industry association, represents over 230 cultural organisations across Sweden within the fields of theatre, music, and dance.
Works to promote and strengthen the Swedish performing arts both at home and around the world.
The Swedish Association of Professional Photographers
(Svenska Fotografers Förbund)
SFF, the Swedish Association of Professional Photographers, is a non profit organization for professional photographers in Sweden.
This page was last updated:
From: Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth