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The Healthcare Provider Register

Under the Patient Safety Act (patientsäkerhetslagen), healthcare providers must notify IVO of new or amended healthcare services. IVO is responsible for the Healthcare Provider Register, which lists services that provide healthcare and dental care.

Notification of services under the Patient Safety Act

Anyone who intends to carry out activities that are subject to supervision by the Health and Social Care Inspectorate (IVO) under the Patient Safety Act must notify IVO accordingly.

The main purpose of the notification requirement is for IVO to be aware of the services for which it has supervisory responsibility. IVO is responsible for keeping a register listing those services that provide healthcare (as defined in Chapter 1, Section 2 of the Patient Safety Act), known as the Healthcare Provider Register.


New service

Anyone who intends to start a service that falls under the supervision of the IVO must notify this to IVO no later than 1 month before the service starts (Chapter 2 of the Patient Safety Act 2010:659, PSL).

Significant change or cessation of service

If a service completely or substantially changes, relocate or closes down, it must be notified to IVO within 1 month of the change.


Read more and apply at The Health and Social Care Inspectorate (IVO)

Key dates

The IVO must be notified:

  • 1 month before the start of a new service;
  • no later than 1 month after a significant change in the service;
  • no later than 1 month after the cessation of the service.

If a Healthcare Provider does not notify its services

A service that is not notified may be audited by IVO. The same applies if the service is relocated or substantially changed without IVO being notified in good time.

Notifiable services

Healthcare includes the medical prevention, investigation and treatment of diseases and injuries.

Medical prevention measures include:

  • general and targeted health checks;
  • vaccinations;
  • health information; and
  • maternal and paediatric healthcare.

Healthcare also includes medical transports of patients and attending to the deceased. Under the Patient Safety Act, notifiable services also include activities under the Dental Care Act (tandvårdslagen), Act (2001:499) on the circumcision of boys (lagen (2001:499) om omskärelse av pojkar), and activities in the retail trade of medicinal products under Act (2009:366) on trade in medicinal products (lagen (2009:366) om handel med läkemedel).

Services that receive commissions from the healthcare sector must also notify IVO of their activities. This may include, for example, sampling, analysis or other investigation as part of an evaluation of a patient’s health condition or its treatment.

More information can be found in the Patient Safety Act (2010:659).

Services subject to authorisation

Certain specialities within the healthcare sector require authorisation from IVO, such as blood establishment.

Read more about healthcare activities requiring authorisation at The Health and Social Care Inspectorate (IVO)

Questions about registers

If you have any questions about registers, please write to registerfragor@ivo.se.

The information in our registers is accessible in accordance with the usual disclosure rules under the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (offentlighets- och sekretesslagen).

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