Setting up
No matter the company or industry, there are a few things to keep in mind before starting your own company. In our Setting up webinar, you will meet authority experts who summarize the most important information for you who are thinking about starting your own business.
Hiring your first employee requires both planning before the recruitment and knowledge of various taxes, fees and rules that apply to employers. In this webinar, you will be guided through the entire process.

Company name and trademark
Do you know the difference between a company name and a trademark? And how do you protect them? Here, the Swedish Companies Registration Office and the Patent and Registration Office (PRV) talk about company names, name protection and trademarks, nationally and internationally.
Foreign trade
If you are interested in trading with foreign countries, this webinar is for you. Here, the Swedish Customs and the Swedish Tax Agency talk about, among other things, import and export, trade within the EU and customs declaration.