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Becoming a sustainable business

Becoming a sustainable business

To make your business sustainable, you need to ascertain its impact on sustainability. You also need to organise your business so that all functions incorporate sustainability as a driving force, set clear goals for sustainability work and measure and follow up on progress regularly.

How sustainable is your business?

If your business has not previously looked at its sustainability, you need to start by identifying which areas are most significant to your activities and what you want to achieve. If your business is already tackling sustainability, you need to regularly review and update the analysis of its sustainability impact, the general economic analysis and the stakeholder analysis.

How sustainable is your business?

Objectives and monitoring

By setting clear goals for sustainability work, measuring the outcome and reporting this regularly, you strengthen your basis for achieving a good result. At the same time you create a scope for learning and change, increase insight and credibility, and strengthen the brand in the eyes of customers and employees.

Setting measurable and sustainable goals


For sustainability work to be successful, it’s essential that you clearly demonstrate that sustainability is important and that it must permeate all parts of the business. By talking about sustainability, as a business owner or someone in another management role, you can generate motivation and innovation around this issue among employees. Being open to change and the courage to try things are also success factors.

Sustainable organisation

EU legislation in the area of sustainability

It may be that your company, directly or indirectly, is affected by future or existing EU legislation in the area of sustainability. The industry organization Företagarna has produced short summaries of relevant regulations. They can give you as an entrepreneur an overview of the requirements that apply now and what requirements are expected to come, future requirements and how they can affect small and medium-sized businesses.

Sustainability at foretagarna.se (in Swedish)

Film: Seven smart tips for sustainable business

Want to be more sustainable? Here are seven specific tips for how to reduce the impact of your business on the environment and society, but also how you can ensure your business concept is long-term, relevant and competitive.

The film is in Swedish, but you can add English subtitles in the film settings.

Film: Be inspired by two business owners who are incorporating sustainability into their operations

How does sustainable business work in practice? Here you will find out how the company Essem Design works with, for example, the life cycle perspective and how the company RSCUED focuses on circularity when it comes to food waste.

The film is in Swedish, but you can add English subtitles in the film settings.