Create a company presentation
A good start to planning your recruitment is to make a company presentation. The presentation collects everything from your business idea to how you want the company to develop, which roles it needs and what is important along the way. It provides a quick overview of future needs and forms a foundation for needs analysis and requirements specification before a recruitment.
Create an employee profile
Make an employee profile to optimize the chances of finding employees who fit in and enjoy working with you. Think about important things that you must have in common, such as values.
Hold job interviews and choose the right person
By conducting job interviews with several different candidates, you can form an opinion about the applicants.
Get support from the Swedish Public Employment Service
The Swedish Public Employment Service offers several free services to help you recruit staff. You can search for candidates directly on the website, meet candidates at a recruitment meeting, recruit through employment support or get help taking on an intern. The employment service can also help you find skills from other EU countries.
The Swedish Public Employment Service's services for you as an employer (in Swedish)