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If you receive a fake invoice

Have you received an invoice for something you did not order, or that you were misled into ordering? Then it is important that you directly object to the claim (dispute the invoice). If you suspect that it is some kind of fraud, you must also report the incident to the police.

Dispute the invoice

You can dispute an invoice in several different ways, by sending e-mail, fax or registered letter, or a combination of several of the methods. Avoid sending a regular letter or disputing the invoice verbally, as it can be difficult to prove that a letter was sent and that a conversation actually took place if the other party claims otherwise.

Your message should include

  • information about which invoice the matter applies to - don't forget to enter the customer number/invoice number
  • that you dispute the invoice
  • the reason for your objection

Send to the address (postal or e-mail address) or to the fax number specified by the company on the invoice. Write clearly that you dispute the invoice, for example: "I dispute the payment responsibility regarding the invoice xxxx, due to the fact that no service was ordered." Avoid signing with your signature, just text your or company's name. Always attach a copy of the incorrect invoice.

Keep in mind that you must formulate your objection according to the current circumstances. Therefore, avoid standard wording that does not correspond to your case. If you have been misled into ordering, it is better to write it down than to claim that no order was placed. If you receive a payment reminder, dispute it in the same way.

Save all documentation

It is important that you can substantiate the date and content of your dispute. Therefore, save a copy of all your letters and messages and any other conversation with the other party.

If, despite this, the matter were to proceed to the Enforcement Authority (Kronofogden), it is important that you immediately send a written objection to the invoice directly to the Enforcement Authority. Rogue companies usually don't want to go that far with the case.

Avoid a payment remark

A payment remark is a note with a credit reporting company that someone has not managed their payments. The credit information company has the right to register a payment remark on the legal person (that is, the company) as soon as the application from the company that sent the invoice is registered with the Enforcement Authority. However, if you have disputed an incorrect invoice and any reminders, before the company applied for a payment order, the Enforcement Authority can remove the information that forms the basis of the payment remark. Don't forget to also contest the payment remark to the Enforcement Authority.

When you object to the demand for a payment remark to the Enforcement Authority, you must describe why the information is incorrect or misleading and attach the documents that support your information. You can, for example, send a copy of the dispute you sent to the company, where it appears that you objected to the payment demand.

If the company that sent you the incorrect invoice is on Svensk Handel's warning list, it will be blocked by the credit reporting companies, and you will not receive a payment notice.