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Deregistration and accounting for the sale of assets and liabilities

Here you can read about deregistration and accounting for the sale of assets and liabilities.

If the company has sold all assets and liabilities, the natural step is to liquidate the company. If only a part of the business has been sold, there may be some parts that are to be deregistered, for example VAT.

If you have deregistered your company with the Swedish Companies Registration Office, the company will be deregistered for F-tax, VAT and as an employer with the Tax Agency.

Deregister F-tax, VAT and as an employer

In the service here at verksamt.se you can deregister F-tax, VAT and as an employer.

F-tax, VAT, employer and SNI

End employer registration

You must submit deregister as an employer when the company no longer pays any compensation for work performed.

The company shall report employer's contributions and tax deducted for all accounting periods up to and including the date the Tax Agency has deregistered is as an employer.

If the company has nothing to declare, the button "Deklarera noll (Declare nothing)" button in the Swedish Tax Agency's PAYE Tax Return service, and if you want to declare zero on a form, complete only the form "Arbetsgivardeklaration Huvuduppgift (Employer Tax Return Main Declaration) (SKV 4786)". Complete boxes 487 and 497 with a zero (0). Leave the other boxes blank.

End VAT registration

You must deregister the company from VAT when the company no longer has any activities subject to VAT.

The company must report VAT for all accounting periods up to and including the date the Tax Agency has deregistered VAT. VAT on claims and liabilities shall be recorded in the final VAT return. This applies whether you use the balance sheet method or the invoicing method. If there is nothing to declare, enter zero (0) in the "Moms att betala eller få tillbaka (VAT to be paid or recovered)" box.

Deregister via form

If you are unable to use the e-services, you can use paper forms to deregister your sole trader from F-tax, VAT, or as an employer, and change information.

Download the Swedish Tax Agency's form 4639

Company income tax return

You must provide a tax return for the company as long as it is registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office. This also applies if you it is deregistered from F-tax, VAT and as an employer.

Commercial property

If the company sells a commercial property, you must declare the sale in the company's income tax return 4. The company shall reverse previously granted depreciation allowance as revenue in the economic activity. The company must also reverse deductions for value-enhancing repairs made in the year of sale and the previous five years.

As a partner you must also be taxed. You report the sale in income type capital. Remember to adjust your share of the company's results with your share of book profits and losses on the Swedish Tax Agency's form N3A.

Even for a legal person, the result of the sale must be calculated in the income type capital. On the other hand, for the result of the sale must be taken up for taxation in the income type business activity for legal partners.

Partner's income declaration

You must declare your share of the business in your income tax return.


You must reverse tax allocation reserves and expansion funds when the company is no operating the economic activity. The reversal will affect your result. In some cases, you can make use of the rules on accumulated income when reversing funds to get a lower national income tax.